
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It's A Wonderful World: Editing Pictures

As I already mentioned in Details Details, when I was making the header I found this website which edits photos. I have never used Photoshop so I wouldn't know if they were similar or very different. What I can say is I am so glad to have found this website!
This website has allowed me to save some of my most lost photos, and scare me half to death! My camera is not the best camera on the earth to say the least. It kind of really sucks, which means poor quality. A lot of my pictures were really dark and shady. So shady I didn't even notice other things in them! So this website has allowed for me to take my pictures and make them a better quality to share with other people. Though I might have gone over board with some of them.

So here are some examples, I have been mostly focusing on my lolita outfits that needed rescuing from the dark. So enjoy!


You can see more details in the second picture, and it is very bright. I like that you can see more details but your eyes totally get shocked by the shocking colors! Here is another one where you can see the details better.



And in these ones you can see the details more clearly on the dress, and you can see more details on my hair! The next ones were in terrible condition, like you could barley see the what was going on, have a look see.



These pictures show just how awesome it can be to edit, in the before picture it is so hard to see the dress and it details. In fact I have shown no one this picture before because of it's terrible quality. And in the other one you can actually make out the color of the dress.



Last ones I promise, unless you really want to see more! In which case I have a lot more! I am just really excited I can save pictures that you can actually see the details in them! It is amazing! In these ones you can actually see my funny face! No making fun of me okay? One you can barley see my picture or anything besides my cheeks, and the other you can see most. I know in the last two the photos still look funny but the whole things is now that you can actually see them.

Hope you enjoyed me geeking out over this new website, hope you have or will give photo editing a try! It is all good fun. And it shows you that all the pictures you see on the vast interwebs might not actually be what they seem. So keep a good eye out and have a blast!


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